
Working Knowledge #18 Staci Sawyer Phebus

Working Knowledge #18 Staci Sawyer Phebus

Listen as Staci and I talk about the evolution of our industry, the slow burn into running a business, tools, obsessions, diatoms, the intimacy of metalsmithing, therapy and change.

Working Knowledge #18- episode link

Staci's Song/s - "Shark Smile" by Big Thief, "Do for Love" by Tupac, "Oprah" by Rapsody and "Deep" by Lizzo

Working Knowledge Playlist on Spotify

Links to topics we discussed in the interview-

Sisters Art Guild on IG @sistersartguild

Ernst Haeckel

That's Exactly How I Feel by Lizzo






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Working Knowledge #16 Show Origins and Lessons learned

Working Knowledge #16 Show Origins and Lessons learned
     On March 13, 2020 the first of many dramatic changes to my plans for the year began to unfold. It became quickly evident that the life ( personal and professional) that I had been living was going to change dramatically, as I imagine might be  true for you too.
     Almost immediately I began to feel the loss of connection that my life is built around. Connection with people and places on the road as I travel. I found myself longing for so much...making eye contact with someone I hadn't seen in a while, those surprisingly intimate conversations that happen at shows, belly laughing with my incredible peers, couch surfing, crying with strangers as we connect, the tidbits ( some of which come at the most poignant moments) gained from listening, the good food, new adventures and even the shows themselves ( the anticipation, having something to work toward and even the set-up itself).
So many ideas, emotions and heartbreaks swirled through those early weeks (and months).... 
      Immediately I realized that I had to be far more intentional about my communications, that they couldn't be passive anymore. This revelation got me thinking about intentionality and connection.... and then just how damn lucky I am to know so many amazing people..... brilliant, talented, fear-less, vulnerable, warm, kind, bad-ass, hard working, creative people. And furthermore, I started to realize,  that I was going to need them to survive this.
     The concept for "Working Knowledge" was starting to form. From the beginning it was always going to be about direct, intentional, honest conversations. I  knew instinctively that I wanted ( and needed) to see the person's face. Non-verbal communication; eye contact, body language, emotional reaction, were all things that had to happen. One Saturday as I was moving out of one studio and into another I stumbled upon a live conversation on IG between two potters ( Amy Sanders and Jen Mecca). I fell right into listening and giggling; just knowing that the conversation was happening in that moment brought me so much joy! I knew then that I wanted to do a live interview show with my peers. 
     Coming up with the title, questions, and logistics was simultaneously exciting and frustrating with my brain on hyperdrive with the potential of it all. I had a lengthy "working" list of potential show titles, mostly bad, maybe a couple with potential. Then the idea of working knowledge came - a concept that, for me, represents knowing, while always being open to learning more.. an evolving knowledge. "Working Knowledge" as a title and concept took hold. 
     This is my 16th episode, which to be honest, boggles my mind. I am eternally grateful for this experience and all of the amazing people that have given their time and stories to help me manifest this project. I have learned and gained so much; I have cried, and danced, and laughed, and learned. I have been held to account and had conversations that I might never have had under different circumstances. I see trends and commonalities in these creatives, but also vastly divergent experiences. Some of these folks are people that I talk with regularly and others are faces that I haven't seen in years. I look forward each week to the authenticity that each person brings.
     Thus far "Working Knowledge" has been exactly what I needed it to be. It is a weekly reminder that though things are tough, down right unpalatable at times, I am not alone. I am part of a community of incredibly kind, resilient , vulnerable, charitable, thoughtful makers. I have asked this people ( my friends and acquaintances) to be so open at an already painfully vulnerable time and they all stepped up and shared their stories. 
     If you are a listener- Thank You! I hope that one of the interviews gave you something that you needed and I hope you will keep listening because there is so much more to come.
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Working Knowledge #17 Annie Howe

Working Knowledge #17 Annie Howe

Listen as Annie and I discuss white privilege, paper cutting, affordable healthcare, get out the vote, industry standards and collaboration.

Working Knowledge #17- episode link

Annie's Song - Lower Dens "Hand of God"

Working Knowledge Playlist on Spotify


Instagram @anniehowepapercuts

Facebook Annie-Howe-Papercuts


Here are some links to things we talked about

Podcast- No Pix After Dark @nopixafterdark_llc with host Aaron Dante 

Virtual Craft Fair - Holiday Heap Dec. 4-6

Voter registration information-

Ani Difranco song- Do or Die


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Working Knowledge #15 Tiffany Coley

Working Knowledge #15 Tiffany Coley

Listen as Tiffany and I talk about being in business, creative blocks, artist education, embarrassing moments, and good friends.

Working Knowledge #15- episode link

Tiffany's Song "As" originally by Stevie Wonder but Mary J. Blige and George Michael also do a nice cover

Working Knowledge Playlist on Spotify


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Working Knowledge #14 Laura Wood

Working Knowledge #14 Laura Wood

Listen as Laura and I talk about the little moments that help you see your direction, finding the space to explore, the power and relevance of jewelry in our lives, and the fact that there is “ a seat at the table for everyone”.

Working Knowledge #14- episode link

Laura's Song Hungry Hippo by Tierra Whack

Working Knowledge Playlist on Spotify

@laurawoodstudios on Insta and FB



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Working Knowledge #13 David Harper Clemons

Working Knowledge #13 David Harper Clemons

Listen as David and I talk about early artistic influences, being given the space to thrive, social unrest , conceptual and political work, crafts in academia and loss.

Working Knowledge #13- episode link

David's Song/s The Talking Heads: "Once in a Lifetime" or PJ Harvey: "(M-Bike) Motorbike"

Working Knowledge Playlist on Spotify

@harperclemons (Instagram) , David Harper Clemons (Facebook),

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Working Knowledge #12 Mariella Luz

Working Knowledge #12 Mariella Luz

Listen as Mariella and I  talk pots, being a creative business owner, being true to yourself and racism in the art world.

Working Knowledge #12- episode link

Mariella's Song “Superpower” Beyonce

Working Knowledge Playlist on Spotify

The postcard we discussed was by @adamjk and can be found here

You can Mariella-

IG @mariella_luz

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Working Knowledge #11 Val Lucas of Bowerbox Press

Working Knowledge #11 Val Lucas of Bowerbox Press

Listen as Val and I talk about letter press printing, reduction print making, good tools, tidbits on printmaking history, foraging and moving forward.

Working Knowledge #11- episode link

Val's Song "Stranger" by The Devil Makes Three

Working Knowledge Playlist on Spotify

You can find Val-

IG- @bowerbox

FB- /BowerboxPress - For deets about the Holiday Heap


Ologies with Alie Ward

Anthropocene Reviewed- John Green




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Working Knowledge #10 Laurie Caffery

Working Knowledge #10 Laurie Caffery

Listen as Laurie and I talk about functional pots, creating space, marketing and business, authenticity and the huge impact of small lessons.

Working Knowledge #10- episode link

Larie's song is "Shine" by Raiche

Working Knowledge Playlist on Spotify

You can find Laurie -

Instagram: @lauriecaffery.clay


Twitter: @ lauriecaffery



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Working Knowledge #9 Dustin Massey

Working Knowledge #9 Dustin Massey

Listen as Dustin and I talk about Instagram and content creation, painting vs. digital, prolific making and how we got here( the people who held us up).

Working Knowledge #9- Episode link

Dustin's song Wrong by Archers of Loaf

Working Knowledge Playlist on Spotify

You can find Dustin at @dustinleemassey on IG

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